Sacred Chaos

A Retreat of Renewal for Religious Leaders in Transition...

Upcoming Retreats

  • Sacred Chaos | North Carolina

    February 6-10, 2023

    High Point, North Carolina

  • Sacred Chaos | Ohio

    April 10-14, 2023

    Cincinnati, Ohio

A Seminar for Persons Traversing Life’s Difficult Passages

  • Gentle Beginnings

    Chaos in one’s life can have gentle beginnings, such as an inner tug deep within your soul that awakens you to the realization that the life you are now living is not fulfilling. Chaos can also begin in more dramatic ways—the death of a loved one, divorce, the loss of a job, retirement or academic failure. Whatever the impetus, chaos is uncomfortable. It moves us out of familiar patterns and known ways; causes us to re-evaluate what is important, how our lives are being lived; and, if we heed the signs, sets us on a journey of seeking more of what is missing.

  • Pain. Passion. Pilgrimage.

    This seminar will look at the various ways we 1. Process our Pain…What am I feeling? At whom am I angry? What do I fear? How have I been hurt? How have I sought to resolve my issues of pain? 2. Recover our Passion…How is passion experienced? What happens when I lose it? How can I get it back? 3. Experience our Pilgrimage…What is my story? Who are my people? How have I experienced God in my pilgrimage? When does God feel close? Does God feel distant? How so?

  • Meet Your Organizer

    Jim Newby is the Minister and Public Friend at Cincinnati Friends Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of a number of books, including, Sacred Chaos: One Man’s Spiritual Journey through Pain and Loss, and is a frequent seminar and workshop leader in the areas of personal and congregational renewal. Jim holds degrees from Friends University, the Earlham School of Religion, William Penn College and Princeton Theological Seminary.

I am truly overwhelmed by the degree to which my hopes were exceeded in the Sacred Chaos Seminar. I am very, very grateful and feel deeply and gently and abundantly blessed…I admire the leadership of this event for their gentle, wise and spiritual way of encouraging the group as a healing community.

–United Methodist Pastor